NeuroSky, Inc. is a manufacturer of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technologies for consumer product applications, which was founded in 2004 in Silicon Valley, California. NeuroSky has been developing EEG-based measuring devices for years with the co-operation of Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Washington and University of Wollongong and others. NeuroSky technologies enable the most insightful and easy-to-understand health and wellness biometrics for mobile solutions, wearable devices, and service providers. The company’s proprietary, market-leading biosensor technologies provide a foundation for analyzing biometric data in a way that’s never before been practical. NeuroSky-enabled solutions deliver unique insights into body and mind health and wellness that can motivate people to make better lifestyle choices. The company adapts electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) technology to fit a consumer market within a number of fields such as entertainment (toys and games), education, automotive, and health.
Neuroskys MindWave is a low-cost consumer wireless EEG headset that has only one dry electrode to record EEG signals from the person’s scalp on the frontal lobe (Fp1), reference and ground electrodes located in the ear clip. Various data values are obtained by using this device, such as, raw EEG data, magnitude of frequency bands (Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma), signal quality, eye blink, etc. It is also capable of detecting two mind states – focused and relaxed.
The MindWave EEG headset is a lightweight, portable device with wireless communication and unipolar conduction. The picture illustrates the locations of the electrodes of the MindWave EEG headset in the 10/20 system. The active electrode in the 10/20 systems measures the activity of the frontal lobe that can be executed in the position of Fp1, slightly left from the midline, while A1 position, the left earlobe, was chosen for the reference point.
NeuroSky technology allows for low-cost EEG-linked research and products by using inexpensive dry sensors; older EEGs require the application of a conductive gel between the sensors and the head. The systems also include built-in electrical “noise” reduction software/hardware, and utilize embedded (chip level) solutions for signal processing and output. The major advantage of the dry sensor is the time it takes to set up. Traditional gel bases EEGs can take up to 30 minutes to start acquiring data while the NeuroSky headsets are ready to go in seconds. The disadvantage to the dry sensor electrodes is an increase in the impedance contact the sensor has with the scalp. This can cause low amplitude signals to not be fully represented in the acquired data.
The headset gets employed with ThinkGear ASIC Module (TGAM) chip that preprocesses the data within the headset itself. The eSense Meters (Attention and Meditation) are calculated on the ThinkGear chip.
NeuroSky developed a ThinkGear measurement technology to calculate the Power Spectrum Density (PSD) using 512 samples per second sampling frequency and eSense Attention meter algorithm to indicate the intensity of attention, which occurs during intense concentration. The device amplifies and digitalizes the voltage difference (to achieve better common mode rejection) between a single dry sensor on the forehead and a reference on the ear. The brain signal is filtered by analog and digital, low and high pass filters in the 1-50 Hz range. Each second, the signal is analyzed in the time domain to detect and correct noise, a standard FFT is performed, and finally, the signal is rechecked for noise and artifacts in the frequency domain to get brainwave strengths and eSense Attention and Mediation values. eSense algorithm is dynamically learning, so ThinkGear sensors are able to operate on a wide range of individuals, and on a wide range of personal and environmental conditions NeuroSky’s EEG biosensor digitizes and amplifies raw analog brain signals to deliver concise inputs to games, toys, and devices running health and wellness, educational and research applications.
ThinkGear: ThinkGear is the equipment which is the contemporary interior of every NeuroSky product that allows a device to integrate with the user’s brainwaves. It consists of the sensor which touches the forehead of the user, the reference and junction points presented in the ear clip, and the onboard chip that operates all of the data. Both the dominant brainwaves and the eSense Meters (Attention and Meditation) are calculated on the ThinkGear chip.
eSense: eSense is a NeuroSky’s quick fix algorithm for distinguishing mental states. To compute eSense, the NeuroSky ThinkGear technology fleshes out the raw brainwave signal and removes the atmosphere noise and muscle movement. The eSense algorithm is then appealed to the remaining signal, resulting in the elucidated eSense meter values.
eSense Meter: Technical Description: For each different type of eSense, i.e., the Attention and Meditation meter value are described on eSense respective scale of 1 to 100. A value across 40 to 60 at any given moment in time is considered “neutral” and is similar in notion to “baselines. A value across 60 to 80 is considered “slightly elevated”, and may be interpreted as levels of eSense values may be higher than normal for a given person. Values across 80 to 100 are considered “elevated”, denoting they are strongly expressive of heightened levels of that eSense. Similarly, on the other end, a value across 20 to 40 indicates “reduced” levels of the eSense, while a value across 1 to 20 indicates “strongly lowered” levels of the eSense.
Attention eSense
The eSense Meter algorithm specifies the strength of a user’s level of mental “attention” or “focus”, which occurs during extreme concentration and directed (but stable) mental activity. The meter value ranges from 0 to 100. The attention level increases when a user focuses on a single thought or an external object, and decreases when distracted. Users can observe their ability to concentrate using the algorithm. In educational settings, attention to lesson plans can be tracked to measure their effectiveness in engaging students. In gaming, attention has been used to create “push” control over virtual objects. Lack of concentration, wandering thoughts, Distractions, or anxiety may decrease the Attention meter level.
Meditation eSense
The eSense Meditation meter specifies the user’s level of mental “relaxation” or “calmness”. The value ranges from 0 to 100, and increases when users relax the mind and decreases when they are uneasy or stressed. The Meditation Meter quantifies the ability to find an inner state of mindfulness, and can thus help users learn how to self- correct and find inner balance to overcome the stresses of everyday life. The algorithm is also used in a variety of game-design controls. The account that Meditation is a meter of a person’s mental states, not physical states so just relaxing of all body muscles may not quickly result in an enhanced Meditation level. Nevertheless, for most people in most everyday situations, relaxing the body frequently helps the mind to relax as well. Meditation is associated to decrease activity by the active mental processes in the brain. It has been an observed that closing the eyes is often an effective method for increasing the Meditation meter level. Distractions, anxiety, sensory stimuli and wandering thoughts may lower the Meditation meter levels.
Blink Detection
The Blink Detection algorithm signals a user’s blinks. A higher number indicates a “stronger” blink, while a smaller number indicates a “lighter” or “weaker” blink. The frequency of blinking is often correlated with nervousness or fatigue. Eye blinks are akin to a standard on/off binary system and therefore are valuable for controls that require definitive responses. For instance, in communication applications, one blink means no, two mean yes — giving individuals with a special needs a simple way to communicate.
Mental Effort
The Mental Effort algorithm measures the mental workload while performing a task. The harder a user’s brain works on a task, the higher the value. The algorithm works well with both physical (e.g., drawing) and mental (e.g., reciting) tasks, and can be used for continuous real-time tracking and between-trial comparisons to measure the effects of multi-tasking, workload variability, and more. The algorithm can be used to track the effects of diverse cognitive loads on the ability to learn and provide feedback for user self-improvement.
The Familiarity algorithm tracks learning processes to measure the relative level of understanding, learning, or comfort with a task. It is a measure of the subconscious learning of procedural (motor) and mental tasks. In some cases, it reflects how well a user is doing with the task. By observing trends, users can better understand and assess their learning process. It can be applied to tasks that are physical in nature (e.g., drawing) or mental (e.g., recitation), and enable data-tracking assessments to gauge learning status.
The Appreciation algorithm provides real-time measurement of the level of enjoyment or appreciation a subject feels towards an external audiovisual stimulus. The algorithm allows moment-by-moment detection of emotions. In marketing applications, it can be used to track and understand a user’s level of appreciation, providing insights and strategic direction for marketing efforts.
Emotional Spectrum
Emotional spectrum measures the intensity (low-high) and pleasantness (pleasant/unpleasant) of emotional activity. Pleasant/Unpleasant identifies whether a user is having a pleasant or unpleasant emotion. Pleasant emotions could be happy, serene, relaxed, etc. Unpleasant emotions could be anger, disgust, depressed, etc. Intensity measures how strong a user’s emotions are in real time. The emotion could be happy, angry, calm, or any other emotion. There are four eTensity levels: Very Weak – Weak – Strong – Very Strong.
Cognitive Preparedness
Cognitive Preparedness measures the brain’s capacity for optimal cognitive performance on a relatively complex task or in other words, the brain’s capacity for higher level cognitive functions.
Creativity measures the brainwave activities underlying creative cognition. The higher the Creativity value, the stronger the brainwave activities promoting innovative and creative thinking.
Alertness measures user’s alertness or vigilance level at the moment. High alertness value indicates you are at a state of focus while low value represents a relaxing state of mind.
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2 Headset. Brainwave Starter Kit
NeuroSky’s MindWave Starter Kit is the basic tool to experience EEG based mediation and attention training. It is the first and most affordable professional EEG headset for home and mobile use. The MindWave is a NeuroSky product released in 2010 in China and 2011 in the US and the EU. The MindWave has been marketed as an education, entertainment and health/wellness device. The MindWave won the Guinness Book of World Records award for “Heaviest machine moved using a brain control interface”.
The MindWave Mobile 2 safely measures and outputs the EEG power spectrum (alpha waves, beta waves, etc), NeuroSky eSense meters (attention and meditation) and eye blinks. The device consists of a headset, an ear-clip, and a sensor arm. The headset’s reference and ground electrodes are on the ear clip and the EEG electrode is on the sensor arm, resting on the forehead above the eye (FP1 position). It uses a single AAA battery with 8 hours of battery life.
The MindWave Mobile 2 Brainwave Starter Kit transmits EEG data via a Bluetooth interface to the user’s device (computer, smartphone, tablet or laptop). All required software can be installed directly to a PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet. It safely measures brainwave signals and monitors attention and relaxation levels while interacting with different apps and games. The Brainwave Starter Kit is especially designed for users who are new to the world of neurofeedback and features three apps. You can download dozens further mental fitness apps or games through AppStore. These include apps for stress reduction, meditation, mindfulness, peak performance training and more. Thanks to improved Bluetooth pairing, the headset is ready for use within minutes. Without previous knowledge and with free apps, beginners and advanced users can perform their first EEG measurements and Neurofeedback exercises immediately.
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2: Brainwave Starter Kit

Technical Specifications
MindWave Mobile 2
• Uses the TGAM1 module
• Automatic wireless pairing
• Single AAA Battery (Not included)
• 8-hours battery run time
• BT/BLE dual mode module (10 meters range). Bluetooth dongle not included.
• Static Headset ID (headsets have a unique ID for pairing purposes)
• Supported platforms: Windows (XP/7/8/10), Mac (OSX 10.8 or later), iOS (iOS 8 or later) and Android (Android 2.3 or later)
• Outputs 12 bit Raw-Brainwaves (3 – 100Hz) with Sampling rate at 512Hz
• Outputs EEG power spectrums (Alpha, Beta, etc.)
• Outputs NeuroSky proprietary eSense meter such as Attention, Meditation, and other future meters
• EEG/ECG signal quality analysis (can be used to detect poor contact and whether the device is off the head)
• Weight: 90g
• Sensor arm up: height: 225mm x width: 155mm x depth: 92mm
• Sensor Arm down: height: 225mm x width: 155mm x depth: 165mm
• BT/BLE dual mode module
• -BT(SPP) for PC, Mac, Android
• -BLE(GATT) for iOS
• BT Range: 10m range
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2 Headset Brainwave Starter Kit Operated Products
NeuroSky has several headsets for sale featuring their ThinkGear chip acquiring EEG through a dry sensor electrode.
What’s really great about the MindWave is the more than 100 brain training games, educational apps, robotic devices and development tools available through the NeuroSky, iOS, and Android stores. You can also write your own programs to interact with MindWave Mobile by using the free developer tools.
With the MindWave Mobile you can monitor your levels of attention and relaxation and even learn about how your brain responds to your favorite music.
Neurosky headset in Education
EEG and Education
Learning about how someone’s brain works is an incredible educational tool. The education system suffers from a lack of resources and understanding, which hurts teachers’ ability to effectively instruct students who have learning disabilities or simply don’t learn well from conventional instruction methods.
Some connections have been made between ADHD diagnoses and EEG readings showing dysregulated cortical electrical activity. While diagnostics are not the responsibility of a teachers and parents, applications of EEG technology which monitor focus and concentration could lead to a greater understanding of which educational techniques work best for individual schoolchildren and students. Additionally, educational EEG-enabled games requiring intense focus could help unfocused schoolchildren and students train their brains to concentrate better.
Neurosky for Effective Learning
Most study time is inefficient and wasted. Top students must learn quickly to compete in the 21st century. Most students waste hours every day studying but not remembering. What if every line read was retained the first time?
When you are effective, you can absorb more and retain more. If you are not effective, try changing your learning method, switching to a different task, or taking a rest. The Effective Learner app uses a NeuroSky’s brainwave sensing headset to detect your learning effectiveness and show it as 6 different color coded levels, so you can gauge your effectiveness with a quick glance.
Neurosky with Effective Learner with Study Trainer app will help you or your schoolchildren/students learn more effectively than ever in the shortest possible time with brainwave learning assessments, real-time effectiveness feedback, and Finland inspired study training. Proven learning methods from Finland activate both focused and diffuse learning to help you learn more deeply. Effective Learner and Study Trainer work best with the new MindWave Mobile 2 headset.

Neurosky with Effective Learner
- Feedback on your learning effectiveness in 6 colors from most to least effective: blue, green, yellow-green, yellow, orange and red.
- The effectiveness display updates every 10 seconds.
- Session report includes a time plot of your effectiveness for the duration of study and a pie chart of different color percentages.
- Session reports can be saved with a note into a searchable journal for future reference and analysis
This product consists of

1 x NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2: Brainwave Starter Kit

You can download the free Effective Learner app from App or Google Stores
Effective learner
Neurosky Puzzlebox Orbit Bundle EEG Headset
The Puzzlebox Orbit is a brain-controlled helicopter. Improve your concentration and relaxation skills with this device taking off the helicopter with the pure strength of your mind. Perform a challenging mental task to increase your concentration (beta waves – frequency range: 12.5-30 Hz) or clear your mind (alpha waves – frequency range: 7.5-12.5 Hz) to increase meditation in order to manage the helicopter. It is a very effective tool for improving the concentration and focus skills in education activity (learn to keep focused during a lesson, so learn effectively) and in a professional activity that requires a long-term concentration and focus (surgeons, drivers, etc.). It helps also to develop relaxation skills after long-day workload or stress.
Tips to increase Concentration:
- Recite the alphabet backward,
- Practice multiplication tables,
- Read something engaging,
- Visualize the red bar passing the threshold
Tips to increase Meditation
- Breathe deeply and evenly,
- Use a meditation practice,
- Clear your mind and calm your thinking,
- Visualize the blue bar passing the threshold
Neurosky Puzzlebox Orbit Bundle EEG Headset operated with a NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2 EEG headset. Users can fly the Orbit by focusing their concentration or clearing their mind. Colorful visuals and physical feedback help provide positive reinforcement while developing skills of attention and mental relaxation.
Neurosky Puzzlebox Orbit Bundle EEG Headset

This product consists of

1 x NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2: Brainwave Starter Kit

1x Puzzlebox Orbit EEG Controlled Helicopter
Neurosky MindWave Mobile Plus
With NeuroSky’s low-cost MindWave Mobile Plus headset and neurofeedback training software, you are able to build up your ability to concentrate, focus and relax. NeuroSky’s MindWave Mobile Plus comes in two different packages, the MindWave Mobile Plus Brainwave Starter Kit and the Myndplay Edition. Both editions differ in respect to the additional software included. The Brainwave Starter Kit is especially designed for users new to the world of neurofeedback and features three apps. The Myndplay edition features an additional software movie player that allows the user to influence the outcome of a movie by focusing or relaxing in key moments. It includes six additional apps. You can also download various other mental fitness apps or games through MindTec AppStore. The MindWave Mobile Plus is suited for iOS as well as android devices.
Try it! You will be surprised how little time and financial investment is required to achieve first improvements of your mental abilities.
Software included
- Brainwave Visualizer
- ManUp
- ZombiePop
- Meditation Journal
- MindWave Tutorial
- “Mynd” Play EEG Media player with four additional movies
- SpeedMath
Neurosky MindWave Mobile Plus

Neurosky Focus Pocus Bundle EEG Headset
Focus Pocus – A Software for attention and relaxation exercises for children
In contrast to the “Brainwave Starter Kit”, the “Focus Pocus Edition” additionally includes the Focus Pocus training software for kids. Focus Pocus is a thrilling and entertaining game, specially designed for kids to work on possible deficits of attentions or focus with cognitive exercises, to train their relaxation in an easy and fun way.
The game offers a child-oriented learning environment with an interesting mix of exercises for attention, focus and relaxation. With Focus Pocus, kids learn how to relax, keep focus constantly and how to control it consciously – alone or together with friends. Only a perfect interaction of all these parameters leads to the desired success in learning.
There are dozens of additional trainings apps available in app store. The MindWave Mobile Plus Focus Pocus edition includes Focus Pocus and 3 additional games and apps for mental training.
The Focus Pocus edition features additional training software that allows kids to train their relaxation in an easy and fun way. It includes six additional apps. You can also download various other mental fitness apps or games through MindTec AppStore.
Software included
• Brainwave Visualizer
• MindWave Tutorial
• SpeedMath
• Focus Pocus
The success of learning depends upon presented contents, learning environment and the child’s ability to learn. This ability depends upon attention as well as the ability to keep information in memory, control impulses and ignore distractions (cognitive factors).
Focus Pocus is a thrilling and entertaining game, specially designed for kids to work on possible deficits of attentions or focus with cognitive exercises.
The game offers a child-oriented learning environment with an interesting mix of exercises for attention, focus and relaxation. With Focus Pocus, kids learn how to relax, keep focus constantly and how to control it consciously – alone or together with friends. Only a perfect interaction of all these parameters leads to the desired success in learning.

Neurosky Focus Pocus Bundle EEG Headset
Advantages of Focus Pocus software (app)
- Ideal for children with AD(H)D – who are hyperactive and suffer from concentration and attention deficits.
- Improvement of the ability to focus, pay attention or relax.
- Improvement of impulse and state control – the ability to pause, think and act accordingly.
- Improvement of the working memory – ability to memorize information longer.
- Real-time multimedia learning.
- Very easy to use.
- Compatible to all mobile devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.).
- Unbeatable value for money.
- Increase of Performance – by individually adjusting the difficulty levels.
- Low expenditure of time.
- First learning successes after only X units of training.
- Flexibility – whether in practice with a therapist or at home, Focus Pocus can be used everywhere.
- Regular performance control via FocusIn.
How it works
Focus Pocus allows you to train your ability to relax or focus by stimulating various frequency bands. Whenever you try to influence your mental state – you receive direct feedback on whether it is working or not. This is the basis of neurofeedback: By trial and error you learn how to successfully train your mind!
Scientific research has shown that intensive long term neurofeedback training is able to improve cognitive abilities for kids. Continuous neurofeedback training will result in first learning successes in a very short time. Usage of the headset and Focus Pocus is very easy. Focus Pocus was designed and tested by psychologists and neurofeedback experts and is extensively used in AD(H)D, burnout and stress prevention.
1. The child puts on a NeuroSky headset with a sensor on the forehead, which gives the possibility to control the game.
2. You also need a computer (or Smartphone/Tablet) on which you install the Focus Pocus software. The player impersonates a wizard who has to master twelve levels with increasing difficulty to gain new magic powers. For every successfully completed level the player gets new spells (rewards) which will help to beat the final boss.
3. After 25 training units the wizard reaches the next higher level. Now he can play challenges and multiplayer games as well as further exercises. In this phase of the training the user should use all the skills he has learned so far. The training speed can be matched individually to the user.
4. Performance control via FocusIn. In order to keep track of your child’s training progress you can use FocusIn to control the performance. All recorded performance and EEG data is transferred to FocusIn and presented, saved and shown in daily reports (as a spreadsheet). You have to be logged to the Neurocog website ( to use FocusIn. After completing 25 training units you will receive a thorough report of all results by FocusIn. This report considers changes in performance of impulse control, working memory, state control and EEG.
This product consists of

1 x NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2: Brainwave Starter Kit

1 x Focus Pocus PC-Software Application
Excellent Brain ADHD Neurofeedback Home Training Kit
The Excellent Brain Home Kit will enable you to train your attention and focus abilities using a cutting-edge Neurofeedback kit at the convenience of your own home. Excellent Brain software is a revolutionary program that helps children and teens with attention deficit problems, overcome learning and behavioral difficulties and improves their self-esteem significantly.
This software is friendly, easy to use, and challenging. The software helps the children to understand when they lose focus and when they are present, and thus they are able to take responsibility and be focused while doing homework alone or with friends.
The Excellent Brain kit comes with a Neurosky EEG wave measurement headset that can connect to your PC (Excellent Brain and the MindWave Mobile 2 in combination are only compatible with Windows 10) or tablet with a standard Bluetooth device.
Our brain operates at varying frequencies (electrical brain waves), some are higher and others less. Functioning require a certain frequency. For example, for thinking, attention, motivation, we need a higher frequency. It was noted that when people suffer from ADHD symptoms and are required for one of these activities, the brain waves frequency does not rise to the required height or does not maintain long. The neurofeedback training method is a non-invasive way to practice and improve focus and attention by changing your brain waves to the good regardless to medications.
Excellent Brain training method
The training method is simple and accessible to everyone! The trainee puts on his Neurosky Mindwave mobile headset that imitates his brain waves and plays a variety of computer games. Differently from the usual computer game controlled by a mouse, in Excellent Brain activity the trainee is playing by using the force of his thoughts. Only when the brain is at the precise frequency the trainee is gaining score in the game. This way you train your brain in a positive feedback method (when I am in focus, I get better scores) to maintain focus and attention. The more you practice, the more focus and attention you can achieve over time.
The Excellent Brain training program comprises of 30 separate training sessions (each session length 20 minutes). In each encounter you will perform ten different mental activities for two minutes each. At the end of each activity your performance will be graded so that you will be able to keep track of your progress and achievements, get follow-up reports on your progression. Bear in mind that the purpose of the training is to improve personal skills by identifying the concentration inducing mental approach that is best for you. Repetition is the best way to pinpoint and habituate those mental approaches. In addition, the software provides access to free activities that are excluded from the full training program in order to enable the trainee practicing with friends and family and to set individual challenging goals.

Excellent Brain ADHD Neurofeedback Home` Training Kit
Mindreflector Software Application
In order to use the MindReflector® software, a NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2 EEG headset is required. MindReflector works with all Windows platforms (XP to Windows 8).
MindReflector software analyzes your EEG and, by means of the MindReflector Protocols, it can train your brain toward optimal performance. MindReflector Protocols promote the production of specific relationships between groups of brainwaves. Some are encouraged, while others are not. Neurofeedback training takes place unconsciously, so there is nothing users need to do, other than close their eyes, relax and listen to music or simply watch a video or visualization. When the brain is within the parameters of a specific protocol, the multimedia player plays continuously. When the brain is outside the specified range of brainwave production, there are interruptions in the playback. You can change the frequency of interruptions to provide a pleasant experience and train at your own pace by setting the degree of difficulty. Over time, the brain learns to adjust and stay more reliably within the intended range. In other words, your brain trains itself!
MindReflector provides the four neurofeedback protocols that support the development of relaxation and attention skills, stress management, and cognitive flexibility.
1. Quiet Focus – trains the mind/brain to be focused, relaxed, and in the present moment. Both SMR and low beta bandwidths are reinforced, while inhibiting delta, theta and a portion of gamma.
2. Meditative Relaxation – supports a state of deep relaxation and calmness by augmenting alpha and SMR, while inhibiting delta, theta and a portion of gamma.
3. Full Spectrum – provides flexibility and openness training using a challenging training protocol that augments alpha, SMR and portions of low beta, while inhibiting delta, theta, and portions of gamma.
4. Alpha/Theta – offers a traditional training protocol used in the field of Neurofeedback to promote deep calmness and support personal growth. Both alpha and theta are reinforced, while delta, theta and portions of gamma are inhibited.

Mindreflector Software Application
Mindreflector Neurofeedback Protocols
Quiet Focus Training
The MindReflector Quiet Focus training protocol is designed to increase a person’s capacity to stay in the moment, while at the same time experiencing a relaxed and responsive state. The Quiet Focus training is designed for persons who have problems staying focused during conversations, listening to a teacher or lecturer, reading a book, or putting a golf ball. The Quiet Focus state contrasts with aroused attention often induced by action movies or video games. Relaxed focus is a state considered necessary to optimize performance.
The MindReflector Quiet Focus training protocol is designed to promote a graded increase in a person’s capacity to attend to the moment.
Quiet Focus Values
- Augment Low Beta (13.0 – 16.75 Hz)
- Inhibit Delta (.5 – 2.75 Hz)
- Inhibit Theta (3.5 – 6.75 Hz)
- Inhibit Low Gamma (31.0 39.75)
Meditative Relaxation (eyes closed is optional)
The MindReflector Meditative Relaxation training protocol is designed to promote deepening states of mental and physiological relaxation. At the same time, this training protocol inhibits states that interfere with relaxation, including anxiety, mental rumination, muscle tension and emotional hyperarousal. The Meditative Relaxation protocol is particularly useful to help persons turn off their racings minds and induce a state beneficial for promoting a quiet sense of well-being.
The Meditative Relaxation protocol is designed to promote a graded increase in a person’s capacity to relax and experience deep levels of relaxation.
Meditative Relaxation Values (Eyes closed is optional)
- Augment Low Alpha (7.5 – 9.25)
- Augment High Alpha/SMR (10.0 – 11.75)
- Inhibit Low Beta (13.0 – 16.75)
- Inhibit Low Gamma (31.0 – 39.75)
Full Spectrum Training (eyes closed is optional)
The MindReflector Full Spectrum training is designed to increase a broad range of desirable brain waves, while inhibiting bandwidths often associated with depression, anxiety, mental rumination and hyper- arousal. The MindReflector Full Spectrum state is analogous to a state of relaxed openness. In this state, a person’s mind is open, flexible and responsive. Although not associated with a clearly perceivable subjective state, enhancing this state increases a person’s capacity to respond appropriately to environmental demands without getting stuck in those states.
The MindReflector Full Spectrum training protocol is designed to promote a graded increase in a person’s capacity to achieve the Full Spectrum state.
Full Spectrum Training Values (eyes closed is optional)
- Augment Low Alpha (7.5 – 9.25)
- Augment High Alpha (10.0 11.75)
- Augment Low Beta (13.0 – 16.75)
- Inhibit Delta (.5 – 2.75)
- Inhibit Theta (3.5 – 6.75)
- Inhibit Low Gamma (31.0 – 39.75)
Alpha-Theta Training (eyes closed is recommended)
During the MindReflector Alpha-Theta protocol, the brain’s production of both Alpha and Theta waves is increased. At the same time, states that interfere with the Alpha-Theta state are inhibited. Alpha waves, especially in an eyes-closed state, are correlated with deep levels of relaxation usually achieved during meditation. Combining Alpha training with increases in Theta activity is believed to produce a unique state of consciousness that promotes psychological integration and may help produce transcendental experiences useful in resolving emotional issues and assisting during choice points in life. The Alpha-Theta state is believed to promote self -awareness, as well as spiritual and intuitive enhancement.
Alpha-Theta training has been used to assist in the management of addictive disorders, as well as to assist persons in their personal psychological and spiritual development. The MindReflector Alpha-Theta training protocol is designed to promote a graded increase in a person’s capacity to experience the Alpha-Theta state.
Alpha-Theta Training Values (Eyes closed is recommended)
- Augment Low Alpha (7.5 – 9.25 HZ)
- Augment Theta (3.5 – 6.75)
- Inhibit Delta (.5 – 2.75)
- Inhibit Low Gamma (31 – 39.75 Hz)
MindReflector has been successfully tested in a clinical environment for two years. MindReflector neurofeedback protocols are used to improve the following symptoms:
- Sleep,
- Relaxation,
- Anxiety reduction,
- Fatigue reduction,
- Attention and Focus,
- Cognitive Training,
- Self-reliance and self-awareness.
Research is underway to further assess system efficacy and system performance.