Online CBT Therapy

Online CBT Therapy program is based on proven, well-researched treatments drawn from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT online helps you to identify, challenge, and overcome your dysfunctional thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Since the therapy is web-based, you may access the program worldwide. It is a dedicated online-based team of consultant therapists, cognitive behavioral therapists, practitioners, and support staff that works collaboratively to help people needing emotional support. Studies show that online therapy based on CBT is just as effective as traditional face-to-face therapy.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly used methods for treating mental problems. CBT has been developed on the idea that your thoughts are what cause your feelings and behaviors, not external stimuli like people, situations, and events. Online CBT Therapy program is based on proven, well-researched treatments drawn from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Studies show that online therapy based on CBT is just as effective as traditional face-to-face therapy.
The whole operation is based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is one of the most commonly used psychotherapeutic approaches for treating mental health problems. CBT online helps you to identify, challenge, and overcome your dysfunctional thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

The basics of CBT

Since CBT constitutes the whole foundation for the online CBT therapy program, you need to get a quick insight into what CBT is.

Cognitive: A term describing your thoughts and anything related to the mind’s function, e.g. thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering.

Behavioral: A term describing how you respond to stimuli, such as the things that you do, and the things that you do not do.

The CBT Basics

CBT is based on the idea that your thoughts are what cause your feelings and behaviors, not external stimuli like people, situations, and events. That is, it’s not the stimuli that cause your emotions, but how you interpret and perceive them.

The benefit of this insight is that you can change the way you think, so that you feel and act better, even if the situation hasn’t changed. As you can see in the illustration above, there is a cycle of consequences with everything you do. This plays a great part in your overall feelings.

Does online CBT therapy work?
Yes. Studies show that online CBT therapy is just as effective as traditional face-to-face therapy. The online CBT therapy program is based on CBT and provides you with the information, tools, and guidance you need to overcome your problems.




How does online CBT therapy work?

• It helps you to identify and challenge your specific problems
CBT is a problem-specific and pragmatic approach since it helps you to identify your specific problems and then gives you therapeutic tools so that you can overcome those problems. CBT differs from many other therapies by having a clear predetermined structure, rather than the person talking/thinking freely about whatever comes to mind. Compared to traditional therapy, it also focuses on what is happening in your life here and now, rather than exploring what happened in the past.

• It teaches you to think in a different way
CBT is particularly well developed and empirically supported in cases where clients frequently experience excessively negative thoughts that arise automatically, even in response to stimuli that might otherwise be experienced as positive. CBT helps you understand the importance of thinking and how it affects how you feel and what you do. This very much includes learning to record your thoughts and looking at them more realistically.

• It helps you to unlearn unwanted reactions
CBT is based on the scientifically supported assumption that most emotional and behavioral reactions are learned. Therefore, the goal of the therapy is to help you unlearn your unwanted reactions and to learn a new way of reacting.

• Supports you with hands-on tools
Each of the eight sections in the program is comprised of video (guided by Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD), audio, reading material, and practical activities. You will use worksheets, create your activity plan, and start keeping a journal. These are very important parts of CBT and will give you and your therapist the foundation to work from in overcoming your problems. If you thoroughly complete all of these activities, you will make the most of the program and get the best results. These tools will make you look at and think about problems and situations in a different way.

• It provides long-term results
The educational emphasis of CBT has an additional benefit in that it leads to long-term results. When people understand how and why they are doing well, they know what to do to continue doing well. Everything you learn from our program can be used over and over again. Your therapist will show you how you can stay in control of your problems and manage your recovery on a long-term basis.

What you will have?

• Qualified therapist
Your therapist will be by your side – from start to finish. They are guiding you to a happier you through the sections, worksheets, unlimited messaging, and live sessions (available as video, voice only, or text chat). You can do this from wherever you are in the world.

• Sections
Each section includes all the information and hands-on tools needed to identify, challenge, and overcome your problems. The sections are available as video (guided by Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD), audio, and/or text.

• Worksheets
There are several worksheets in each section. In each worksheet, you will answer questions and get valuable hands-on tools and tips from your therapist daily.

• Live sessions
Each week you will have access to 45 minutes of live chat with your therapist. The live sessions are available as video, voice only, or text. This is a perfect opportunity to get instant guidance and support.

• Journal
This easy-to-use journal helps you start and end your day more positively. As a result, you will soon notice a big difference in your attitude towards yourself and life by just writing a few notes each morning and evening.

• Activity plan
This is where you add and schedule the things that will add extra light to your life! The activity plan also serves as a written agreement with yourself. It greatly increases the chances of you carrying out your plans!

This is the latest addition to the ” happiness toolbox”! This toolbox is ideal when you need an instant boost of gratitude and happiness.


In what mental issues you may apply?

By clicking on the links below, you’ll be directed to dedicated pages where you can explore in-depth information about specific mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, stress-related disorders, etc. These pages provide comprehensive insights into each condition, helping you better understand its symptoms and effects on your daily life. Moreover, you can register and get started for the online CBT therapy program directly from these pages to embark on a journey towards improved mental well-being.

Online CBT Therapy for different mental issues.

• Agoraphobia Online CBT Therapy
• Anger Management Online
• Anxiety Online Therapy
• Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
• Depression
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Online Therapy For Weight Problems
• Panic Attack Online Therapy
• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
• Relationship Problems (Couples Therapy)
• Social Anxiety
• Sex Therapy
• Speech Anxiety
• Stress
• Insomnia
• Bipolar Disorder