Get rid of life-limiting conditions & health problems and achieve optimal performance!


Biofeedback Neurofeedback therapy is a non-invasive approach that empowers individuals to control their conscious/unconscious bodily functions better by providing real-time information about their physiological responses. Traditionally, biofeedback therapy has been conducted in clinical settings under the guidance of trained professionals. However, with technological advancements, it is now possible to experience the benefits of biofeedback therapy in the comfort of your home. In this modern era, where self-care and well-being have gained significant importance, the availability of biofeedback therapy at home has become a valuable tool for individuals seeking to enhance their physical and mental health. This innovative approach allows individuals to monitor and regulate bodily functions using specialized biofeedback devices and software applications.

The vision behind biofeedback therapy at home revolves around the idea that awareness of our body’s responses can help us actively influence those responses to change them positively. By using various sensors that measure physiological indicators such as heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and muscle tension, individuals can gather real-time data about their body’s reactions to different stimuli. This information is presented through visual or auditory cues, enabling users to understand and modify their physiological responses for better health and well-being.

The convenience and accessibility of biofeedback therapy at home offer numerous advantages. It allows individuals to personalize their therapy sessions, choosing the duration, frequency, and focus areas that suit specific needs. Moreover, it eliminates the need for frequent visits to a healthcare facility, making it a cost-effective and time-saving alternative.

Biofeedback therapy at home can be applied to various health conditions and goals. It has shown promising results in managing stress, anxiety, chronic pain, migraines, high blood pressure, and even improving athletic performance. The possibility of tracking progress over time provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of different techniques and interventions, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being.

Whether you are looking to reduce stress, improve your mental focus, or enhance your overall health, the Biofeedback therapy at-home self-guided approach has the potential to unlock new levels of self-awareness and well-being.

Table of Contents

Video - What are Biofeedback Neurofeedback?

In everyday life, we perform voluntary bodily actions, such as movements of the body, hands, and legs, which we consciously control. But other body functions are out of our conscious control. They are breathing, heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, pain perception, brain wave activity, and some others. The parameters of these functions are changed unconsciously in response to our environment, like when we are nervous, excited, exercising, or have some diseases. They are regulated by the autonomous nervous system, involuntarily and unconsciously.

Longtime exposure to the factors that affect these functions (stress, chronic overloading, etc.) may bring to their changes and, consequently, to some pathological states or even diseases. These diseases are grouped in the “regulation diseases” group. Modern pharmacological treatment methods for such conditions and diseases are not always justified, are quite expensive, and have a long rehabilitation period. They also do not exclude the occurrence of complications and side effects. Fortunately, nowadays, there is an innovative technology that helps people to get control over these involuntary functions. It’s called Biofeedback and Neurofeedback therapy/training.

Biofeedback / Neurofeedback therapy/training at home is a mind-body technique that teaches people how to change physiological activity. It enables an individual to learn better to control and regulate the body’s involuntary responses to treat diseases, helping prevent or treat many health conditions, improving health, and achieving optimal performance


During a Biofeedback/ Neurofeedback therapy/training session, electrodes are attached to the skin in various body parts depending on the physiological parameters necessary to register. These electrodes/sensors receive and register the parameters of the body’s involuntary functions. The sensors send these signals to a monitor, which displays to a client as a sound, flash of light,  image, or video. These signals represent the heart and breathing rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, brain wave activity, or muscle activity. The loudness, clearness, or brightness of signals denotes the extent of activity in the function being measured.

When people are under stress or have a pathological state or disease, these functions are changed: the heart rate speeds up/down, muscles tighten/weak, blood pressure rises breathing quickens, or brain wave changes their patterns.

With the help of the Biofeedback/Neurofeedback technique, people can see these changed responses as they happen on the monitor in the form of sound and image signals. Then they get immediate feedback action to try to normalize these signals. This feedback loop helps the client focus on making subtle changes in the body. For example, relaxing certain muscles with consequent reducing pain. After this correction of the parameters, based on feedback information,  the people again see the normalized parameters as signals and try to keep these signals on the achieved level. They may then try to remember what their thoughts and feelings were at the moment and deliberately maintain them to keep them as so.

The Biofeedback/Neurofeedback therapy/training session runs as a game, so the process of learning how to regulate one’s own physiological parameters and functions becomes an interesting and effective procedure. Each therapy session lasts 30 to 60 minutes. Patients generally start to see Biofeedback/Neurofeedback therapy/training benefits after 10 sessions. Although some conditions, such as hypertension or ADHD, or others, may take 20 or more sessions to improve.


Several Biofeedback techniques may be used to gather information about an individual’s bodily responses. The one used may depend on individual health conditions objectives and is determined by a specialist. Isolated one or combined many physiological parameters such as brain wave activity, heart rate variability, muscle tension, breathing, skin conductance or temperature, and others can be used. 

Neurofeedback Therapy Training

Electroencephalographic biofeedback (EEG BFB) is a form of biofeedback in which surface electrodes are placed on the scalp to measure specific brain-wave frequencies and provide feedback to the individual. An EEG monitors the activity of brain waves linked to different mental states such as wakefulness, relaxation, calmness, and sleep. This process is also known as Neurofeedback (NFB).

The neurofeedback (NFB) technique can be used as a relaxation technique (alpha training) or wakefulness technique (beta training). Skills are developing in both directions – to increase or decrease a particular brain activity (amplitude, power, coherence, etc.), depending on the condition or pathology.

The EEG biofeedback is used to treat ADHD, alcoholism/substance abuse, epilepsy, headache, and traumatic brain injury, and to reach optimal performance. More details about the Neurofeedback technique, indications for use, and effectiveness can be found on the “Therapeutic NFB” page of our website.

Electromyographic Biofeedback Therapy at home

Electromyographic biofeedback (EMG BFB) uses sensors placed on the skin over skeletal muscles to monitor the electrical activity that causes muscles to contract. These sensors pick up the electric signals from muscles and translate them into a form that people can detect: flashing light or sound/video. When muscles are tensed the flashing activates, when relaxed – the flashing is stopped or gets slow. People learn to associate sensations from the muscles with actual levels of tension and they develop alternative healthy habits for keeping muscles only as tense as is necessary for as long as necessary. Successful training completion enables people to repeat this response at will without being attached to any biofeedback equipment.

Video - Type of Biofeedback - Example of EMG Biofeedback

EMG Biofeedback is usually employed to thoroughly diagnose and treat neurological, neuromuscular, psychosomatic, and stress-related problems: anxiety, asthma, cerebral palsy, fecal and urinary incontinence, headache, and chronic migraines, high blood pressure, low back pain, pelvic pain, temporomandibular muscle and joint disorder (TMJD). 

This method of BFB is very effective also in the treatment of paralysis and muscle weakness due to peripheral nerve injury and stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and spinal cord injuries. It can also be beneficial in retraining muscles that have been impacted by an injury. EMG Biofeedback therapy at home successfully had been used also to reach optimal performance in education, sport, and business. More details about the EMG BFB technique, indications for use, and effectiveness can be found on the “EMG Biofeedback” page of our website.

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback therapy at home

Heart rate variability biofeedback (HRV BFB) uses sensors placed on the chest, earlobe, and finger or wrist to measure the time interval between adjacent heartbeats. It also had been labeled as respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) biofeedback, or resonance frequency feedback (RFF). The procedure consists of feeding back beat-by-beat heart rate data during slow breathing maneuvers such that the participant tries to maximize RSA, create a sine-wave-like curve of peaks and valleys, and match RSA to heart rate patterns. RSA is the heart pattern that occurs when the heart rate increases during inhalation and decreases during exhalation.

Video - Type of Biofeedback. What is Heart Rate Variability?

HRV Biofeedback therapy at home brings the cardiovascular and physiological systems into harmony, which may positively affect conditions, such as modern-day chronic stress, depression, and anxiety. This method of BFB is used also to treat asthma, high blood pressure, cardiac rehabilitation, preeclampsia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), fibromyalgia, chronic muscle pain, unexplained recurrent abdominal pain, insomnia, and others. The Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback is also very effective for achieving optimal performance in education, sport, and business. More details about the HRV BFB technique, indications for use, and effectiveness can be found on the “HRV Biofeedback” page of our website.

Breathing Biofeedback therapy at home

Breathing biofeedback (respiratory BFB) uses sensors placed around the abdomen and/or chest to monitor breathing patterns and respiration rates.  Biofeedback-assisted therapeutic (diaphragmatic) breathing is used to teach people how to breathe with the abdomen, not the chest. The feedback is displayed to the patient visually and is used by the patient to learn to breathe more slowly, deeply, and rhythmically using the abdominal muscles.

Diaphragmatic breathing is a breathing pattern that differs significantly from the typical breathing pattern of most adults. The typical adult breathing pattern, which may accelerate slightly just because of being measured, involves shallow thoracic movements with a respiration rate of 15-22 respirations per minute. There is also an absence of sinus arrhythmia.

Video - Type of Biofeedback - Breathing Biofeedback

In contrast, diaphragmatic breathing requires slow, rhythmic inhalations and exhalations with emphasis on the diaphragm muscle moving downward on inhalation and upward on exhalation. The respiration rate is 5 to 8 respirations per minute and is associated with a return of normal respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Breathing diaphragmatically, people are encouraged to relax and give their breathing “passive attention.”

Diaphragmatic breathing is thought to treat the symptoms of many physical and psychological disorders, assist people in reducing their physiologic tension and arousal, and have a positive effect on every system of the body. Respiratory biofeedback is used to treat asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), high blood pressure, hyperventilation, and anxiety, and to reach optimal performance. More details about the breathing biofeedback technique, indications for use, and effectiveness can be found on the “Breathing Biofeedback” page of our website.

Thermal biofeedback, also known as psychophysiological feedback, is a type of treatment that uses a person’s body temperature to assess that person’s physical state. Over time, a person can be trained to control their body temperature by monitoring real-time changes to their thermal state. As a result, they will have a level of control over certain physical issues.

Thermal biofeedback works by attaching a temperature sensor or thermistor to a patient, normally on the fingers of the hands/feet. Temperature readout is then shown on a digital screen to the client, who can track his or her body temperature by the minute. 

Video - Type of BFB - Thermal BFB - thermography

The level of a person’s tense can be measured by a drop in temperature in their hands. This is because, during times of stress, the body will divert blood from the surface area of the body to the muscles and organs, allowing us to better respond to a nearby threat. When our surface temperature is high, it typically means we are in a relaxed or sleepy state.

This method of biofeedback therapy at home can be used to remedy the effects of stress and tension in the body and helps to learn how to increase blood flow into various parts of the body. It is used to treat high blood pressure, Raynaud’s disease, swelling, and migraines, and reach optimal performance in education, sport, and business. More details about the Thermal BFB technique, indications for use, and effectiveness can be found on the “Thermal Biofeedback” page of our website.

Electrodermal Activity Biofeedback therapy at home

Electrodermal activity biofeedback uses sensors attached to the finger or hand/foot that monitor and then feedback on skin conductance data. Skin conductance is not under conscious control. Instead, it is modulated autonomously by sympathetic activity, which drives aspects of human behavior, as well as cognitive and emotional states. Skin conductance, therefore, offers direct insights into autonomous emotional regulation.

The galvanic skin response (electrodermal activity) refers to changes in sweat gland activity that are reflective of the intensity of our emotional state, otherwise known as emotional arousal.

Our level of emotional arousal changes in response to the environment we’re in. If something is scary, threatening, joyful, or otherwise emotionally relevant, then the subsequent change in emotional response that we experience also increases eccrine sweat gland activity.

EDA biofeedback therapy at home is performed to treat anxiety disorders, chronic pain, hyperhidrosis, and stress.


  • Biofeedback/Neurofeedback technology is non-invasive and very simple in the performance method of treatment;
  • Biofeedback/Neurofeedback therapy/training is based on an individual approach to any person who applied;
  • This method of treatment involves the participation of the individuals in the process of the treatment based on a high level of motivation, coming from seeing the immediate results and its progress after each session;
  • It helps people become more keenly aware of the powerful connection between their body and their mind;
  • BFB/NFB empowers people by giving them greater control over their symptoms, their health overall, and their optimal performance;
  • This technique is possible to combine with other methods of treatment;
  • It can help decrease, and in some cases, eliminate, the need for medication and other forms of treatment; 
  • BFB/NFB training can improve the effectiveness of psychotherapy by helping individuals become more aware of psychological/emotional issues (e.g. denial, fear, or resistance) that may be hindering their progress;
  • It activates immunological defenses and adaptability of individuals;
  • Has no side effects nor absolute contraindications;
  • Provides long-term effect;
  • Over time, individuals will be able to practice the techniques on their own to continue to manage symptoms or conditions.


  • Preschool education and development
  • Schoolchild education and performance
  • Student education and performance
  • Self-organization and memory/concentration improvement
  • Occupational stress management
  • Elimination of fatigue and overwork
  • Leadership development
  • Reduce performance anxiety in sport
  • Improve the ability to focus and concentration under stress 
  • Psychomotor performance optimization
  • Speed up reaction time
  • Exercise breathing patterns
  • Facilitate the recovery from injury
  • Improve performance consistency
  • Rehabilitation after sport trauma


  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 
  • Autism
  • Astheno-vegetative syndrome
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Depression
  • Neurasthenia
  • Obsessive syndrome;
  • Anxiety Syndrome
  • Phobic Syndrome;
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Astheno-Depressive Syndrome;
  • Astheno- Hypochondriac Syndrome
  • Gambling addiction
  • Computer addictions
  • Addictive antisocial disorder
  • Psychogenic overeating
  • Alcohol / drug abuse
  • Smoking
  • Sexual addictions


  • Cerebrovascular circulation disorders
  • Stroke
  • Post-traumatic brain injuries
  • Epilepsy
  • Tics
  • Balance disorders
  • Headaches
  • Peripheral nerve injury
  • Spine injury
  • Paralysis, paresis
  • Logoneurosis, dysarthria
  • Muscle spasticity
  • Tunnel syndrome
  • Autonomous nervous system dysfunction
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Chronic coronary artery disease
  • Vegetoasthenic syndrome
  • Heart rhythm disorders
  • Post-infarction rehabilitation;
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Respiratory allergies
  • Hyperventilation syndrome
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Chronic constipation
  • Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer
  • Chronic gastritis, colitis
  • Muscles, bones, ligaments, joints injury
  • Flatfoot
  • Violations of posture
  • Scoliosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psychogenic menstrual disorders
  • Vaginismus
  • Syndrome of stress urinary incontinence in women
  • Rehabilitation of women with complications of pregnancy
  • bruxism
  • Chronic pain
  • Headache

Definition: Biofeedback refers to a group of therapeutic procedures that use electronic instruments to record and display to the patient information about the ongoing activity of various body processes of which the person is usually unaware. The goal of biofeedback therapy is to help the patient achieve voluntary control over body processes that are normally involuntary or that have become involuntary through accident or disease. Biofeedback is used in the treatment of many medical and psychological disorders.
Biofeedback is a powerful, painless, and non-invasive technique for mind-body training. It uses monitoring devices to give you feedback about body functions such as heart rate, muscle tension, or nervous system tension and teaches you how to use your mind to regulate your body. By using biofeedback training you can learn to control and alter your physiological functions about healthy behavior. Such self-regulation skills can help you move towards a more optimal level of functioning.
It is beneficial in reducing symptoms of stress, decreasing anxiety, headaches, high blood pressure, pain management, and improving health. More detailed information regarding indications and use of biofeedback can be found on the page above.

Biofeedback therapy is a process of training as opposed to treatment. Much like being taught how to tie their shoes or ride a bicycle, individuals undergoing biofeedback training must take an active role and practice to develop the skill. Rather than passively receiving treatment, the patient is an active learner. It’s like learning a new language.
Research has shown that biofeedback interventions are efficacious in treating a variety of medical conditions. Clinical biofeedback training is growing increasingly popular all over the world, as many people are seeking out relatively new approaches to healthcare.
Biofeedback became popular in the late 1960s. The term “Biofeedback” was used to describe laboratory procedures being used to train research subjects to alter bodily functions such as blood pressure and heart rate – which are not usually controlled voluntarily.
Today Biofeedback is recognized in many countries and the USA by the National Institute of Complementary and Alternative Medicine as one of the mind-body therapies and many doctors and patients think of biofeedback as a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).

Physiological processes that normally happen involuntarily such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, muscle tension, breathing, or brain wave activity are measured by sensors placed on your skin and displayed on the computer screen. Biofeedback training is the process where you learn to read your body’s feedback (biofeedback) to sense when your body is stressed or relaxed. It is just as looking into a mirror allows you to see and change positions, expressions, etc., biofeedback allows you to see inside your body. You receive immediate visual or acoustic feedback from a biofeedback device. By becoming consciously aware of the processes in your body you can identify which cognitive or behavioral processes are influencing it. You learn to use your CONSCIOUS mind to guide the part of your brain that runs your body.

Biofeedback training is proven to be highly beneficial and provides long-lived or permanent relief for a wide range of health conditions such as migraine and tension headache, anxiety, depression, respiratory disorders, sleep disorders, stress management, high blood pressure, chronic pain, and many others.
Using biofeedback you can learn how to achieve your maximum performance by enhancing your:

Attention & concentration
Relaxation & well-being
Intellect & Memory

More detailed information regarding indications and use of biofeedback can be found on this page above.

Several Biofeedback (BFB) techniques may be used to gather information about an individual’s bodily responses. The one used may depend on individual health conditions objectives and is determined by a specialist. Isolated one or combined many physiological parameters such as brain wave activity – Neurofeedback, heart rate variability – NRV BFB, muscles tension – EMG BFB, breathing (Breathing BFB), skin conductance (Electro-Dermal Activity (EDA) BFB) or temperature (Thermal BFB) and other can be used. A brief description of these types of BFB is above on this page.

Yes, it can!
It is very important to realize that biofeedback is a form of active learning rather than therapy. However, the degree to how effective it is depends on the combination of your ability to fully participate in the training and the efficiency of your body to respond to the learning process.

The main area that seems to prevent people from gaining benefits from Biofeedback training is if the person is unwilling or unable to practice the skills they are learning.

You will find the Biofeedback technique very fascinating and simple to understand and put to use, even on your own with a home use device. You will learn to reinforce your Biofeedback training with a series of simple guided exercises to do yourself. Your body will gradually re-learn how to recover on its own effectively from the disliked states and conditions.

Your goal with Biofeedback training is to FIRST gain Conscious awareness of the sensations of change in your breathing, your muscle tension, and your nervous system tension, and also learn to track changes in the tone of your thoughts. Your SECOND goal is to use and apply skills for guiding your body back into a sense of calm where your stress or pathological state is back in a recovery stage.

Yes, Biofeedback training has successfully worked with children and teens to teach them a drug-free way to deal with different pathological states and conditions, including stress.
Children and teens, just like adults around them increasingly experience stress in their lives.
Whether it’s the stress of “test anxiety” the desire for sports excellence or looking for optimal performance in an imperfect world, children and teens are not immune to the negative effects of too much stress in their lives.
Children and teens often learn these skills very quickly and enjoy the experience of gaining control of their bodies and feelings.

The techniques you learn can help you sense and Consciously regulate tension in the muscular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
This is important because the nervous system also regulates the cardiovascular system, digestive elimination, the immune system, and the respiratory system.
It is the nervous system that feeds into the development of things like anxiety, migraine headaches, sleep disturbance, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, and dysfunctions in the immune system.
Biofeedback training leads the Conscious mind into a position where it can learn to sense and then guide these systems into recovery periodically.
This can gradually lower the ongoing tension in these systems and decrease the build-up of symptoms such as anxiety.

Biofeedback is a broader category of methods. These methods use the feedback of various physiological signals, such as the electrical activity of muscles (EMG), bladder tension, the electrical activity of the skin (EDA/GSR), or body temperature. These methods are applied to the treatment or improvement of organism functions as reflected by these signals.
EEG biofeedback or Neurofeedback belongs to the most sophisticated of biofeedback methods. Utilizing signals coming directly from the Central Nervous System has a wider range of influence. This allows the capture of some indicators of higher mental activities as well.

Successful outcomes, not limited to those listed below, have been reported by Neurofeedback Practitioners for:
• Addictions
• Anger
• Anxiety
• Autism
• Bulimia
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Chronic pain
• Closed head injuries
• Concentration
• Depression
• Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effect
• Headaches and Migraines
• Learning Disorders
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
• Pain management
• Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
• Reactive Attachment Disorder
• Reading skills
• Seizure Disorders
• Sleep Disorders
• Stroke
• Tourette Syndrome
Neurofeedback has also proven effective when used for Peak Performance Training, such as developing memory skills, focusing abilities, and increasing concentration.

At a training session, sensors are placed on your head. The sensors pick up information on your brain’s activity at very specific locations. No electricity enters your brain. The sensors merely read information from the brain and relay it to the computer.
You then sit back in a comfortable chair as you watch a computer monitor that displays a computer game, a movie, a bar graph, or simply colors that change as your brainwaves change.
As you watch the computer monitor, your brain receives its feedback via the monitor display. When your brain produces brainwaves favorable for the remediation of your problems, the game or the movie will play (or the bar graph will move up or down), and a musical tone may sound. On the other hand, when your brain produces brainwave patterns that contribute to your problems, your computer screen either freezes or goes dark.
This process gives your brain instantaneous feedback about its performance during the training session. On a subconscious level, the brain begins to “work out” what it needs to do to make your computer screen active and to produce more of the helpful type of brainwave patterns and less of those that are correlated with the symptoms you wish to address. With practice, your brain learns new patterns. Desirable neuronal pathways are strengthened and new pathways may be created.
As your brain learns what it needs to do to make your computer screen active, you can gradually make the goals a bit more difficult to challenge your brain to do even “better.” This is analogous to weight training workouts: as your muscles become accustomed to one weight, a little more is added until over time you build new muscle. With neurofeedback training, gradually your brain learns how to work at a more optimal level.

The brain is amazingly adaptable and plastic. It is capable of making adjustments to improve its performance if given cues about what to change. When the brain is regulating itself well and is alert and attentive, brainwaves (EEG) show particular patterns. Gradually, after 20 or more training sessions, the brain learns to stay in this high-performance state for longer periods and to retain these new skills.

In most instances, once the brain has learned how to perform at its optimum level, it stays there and no further sessions are needed. Think about learning to ride a bicycle. Remember how difficult that was? Did you fall? And then, after a while, you didn’t even have to think about balancing anymore? At a subconscious level, your brain was sending messages to your muscles to do what they needed to do to keep you upright. Even if you haven’t ridden a bicycle in years if you were to get on one today your brain would quickly remember what it is supposed to do to help you remain balanced.
This is what happens through neurofeedback training. Neurofeedback trains your brain to work in a way that will help keep you “balanced.” You will not need to concentrate consciously on what you need to do to “stay relaxed” (for example). Your brain will simply function the way it needs to, for you to be comfortable.

There are a few instances when several “booster” sessions might be needed:
• If the client has been involved in a long-term traumatic situation (for example, an abusive relationship or a family member suffering from a prolonged and difficult illness).
• If the client has undergone long-term medical help (such as chemotherapy).
• If the client has experienced head trauma after training is completed (such as an automobile or skiing accident involving brain trauma).
• If the client’s main presenting problem is depression. Often people who receive neurofeedback for depression will benefit from one to three booster sessions a few times per year.
• If the client is still growing. Young children will often have to return for booster sessions as their brains and body develop.

Results from neurofeedback training are seen gradually, over time. Initial progress can be seen within 10 – 15 sessions for most conditions. A typical treatment program consists of between 20 and 60 sessions, depending upon the conditions being addressed, with the average being 40 sessions. The current understanding among neurofeedback providers is that it takes a minimum of 20 sessions for learning to be consolidated so the client can maintain the gains that have been made. Sometimes a client will complete 20 sessions, take a year off, and then return to complete training.

When starting neurofeedback training, sessions should be regular and frequent at two or three (or more) sessions per week. As learning begins to consolidate, the pace can be reduced.

Each session takes between 45 and 60 minutes. The actual training period lasts a maximum of 30 -45 minutes. Additional time is needed beforehand for sensor placement and adjustment.

Biofeedback is an incredibly powerful tool that helps rebalance your body, mind, and soul. With this in mind, during the treatment, you may notice you begin to feel more relaxed or even sleepy, (especially if you’ve been particularly stressed or busy).
Once your treatment has finished you may want to just go home to rest, give what your body needs.
Conversely, if your cognitive functions have been slower than usual it can stimulate that area of your brain as we’re bringing you back to balance.


Biofeedback/Neurofeedback devices and systems are used for both medical and non-medical uses, and the dividing line between them may be thin. Non-medical application of neurofeedback can be considered primarily as personal improvement and conditioning for the brain and mind: to improve relaxation, attention, focus, concentration, and self-awareness, or as an adjunct to meditation, counseling, hypnosis, or achieving altered states of consciousness. It can be done without professional intervention. In cases where it is desired to relieve the conditions of a medical problem, professional help should be sought.

It is a fact that Neurofeedback systems are designed to allow the user to control a computer for recreational, educational, or entertainment purposes and are not medical instruments. You can find detailed information regarding indications, methods, and descriptions of different neurofeedback devices for home use here. However, if direct benefits are claimed for relaxation or relief from the symptoms of disorders, then the device is considered medical.

In the nonclinical embodiment, most of the same functions and capabilities are present, but they are presented in the context of an educational and recreational device. It is nonetheless true that the actual benefits may be essentially the same in both embodiments depending on how the user configures and applies the device, although the labeling and claims are different. The same instrument is being provided in both cases but with different intents.

The difference between the medical and non-medical embodiment of BFB/NFB devices lies primarily in the claims, expectations, and applications of the user.

For example, although neurofeedback can be used to improve attention and concentration, and this can be considered as a personal improvement application, in cases of suspected or diagnosed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) the use of this procedure might be regarded as a medical procedure.

It may thus be argued that neurofeedback treatment intended to reduce the symptoms of ADHD, especially when the removal from stimulants (Ritalin, etc) is desired, that neurofeedback is being used in a medical context. However, if a parent, teacher, or counselor uses neurofeedback in a home or educational setting to educate a child on how to reach a state of relaxed attentiveness and improve academic success, the treatment may be considered education, not treatment.

Neurofeedback takes advantage of the brain’s ability to change itself through a process known as Neuroplasticity. It utilizes the same learning process that occurs whenever we acquire a new skill. The brain learns by forming connections between nerve cells and utilizing important pathways that connect different locations in the brain.

The more frequently you utilize these pathways the better the brain becomes at performing the associated task.

This type of learning is a type in which responses come to be controlled by their consequences. Quite simply, Neurofeedback offers the perfect learning conditions, since it facilitates awareness of when the brain is producing healthier brainwave patterns, reinforces the positive change, and multiple opportunities to provide practice during a training session. Information regarding the effectiveness of Neurofeedback can be found on the “Therapeutic NFB” page of our website.

Today there are a lot of devices manufactured for home use biofeedback/neurofeedback training using different physiological parameters of the body. You can find more detailed information regarding indication and description for home use BFB/NFB devices on “Home Use Device” page of our website.

Biofeedback Home Use Device

EMG Biofeedback home-use device

EMG Biofeedback home-use device

Temperature Biofeedback home-use device

Electrodermal Skin Activity Biofeedback home-use device

Breathing Biofeedback home-use device

Breathing Biofeedback home-use device

Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback home-use device

Neurofeedback Home Use Device

Forbrain Bone Conduction Audio Neurofeedback home- use device

Best Home Neurofeedback Device
